Squash tennis is an American variant of squash that was popular in the USA at the end of the 19th century up to the second world war since when the game has died out as squash and racquetball have grown in popularity.
Moreton Morrell is proud to have the only court that we know of built outside of the USA and the only court in the world we believe still in regular play.
Squash tennis is played with lawn tennis balls and short handled lawn tennis rackets that create a fast and complex game.
The squash tennis court is similar in size to a squash court but slightly narrower. The Moreton Court is 16’6” wide and 31’6” long. One feature of the squash tennis court is the low back wall with the outline at only 4”6” high. Another distinguishing feature is the centre line that runs from the service line to the front wall unlike a squash or rackets court which divides the area between the service line and the rear wall. This reflects the squash tennis serve that mimics lawn tennis in requiring the serve to land in the front quadrant.
How to play Squash Tennis

The players will determine who serves first by spinning a racket. When the server loses a point the serve will pass to the opposing player. The player that wins a game shall serve first at the start of the next game. When starting a set of serves the server may choose which side of the court to serve from first with serves then alternating from side to side with each point.
The serve must hit the front wall first above the service line and without hitting the back wall the ball must land on the floor in front of the service line on the opposite side of the court. The ball may hit the side walls after hitting the front wall. In serving to the front quadrant squash tennis is like tennis and differs from squash where the serve is to the rear quadrant. If a serve is not a valid serve it is a fault and if it is the first fault the server must serve again from the same side. If the server makes two consecutive faults they lose the point.

A serve may only be returned after it has bounced once and before the second bounce.
The receiver must return the ball before it bounces for a second time. The ball must directly or indirectly hit the front wall without going out of bounds or striking the tin.
The players then alternately strike the ball in the same manner except that it may also be volleyed until one player fails to make a fair return. The player failing to make the fair return loses the point.
If the ball strikes the lights or ceiling it is out of bounds.
If the ball strikes the back wall above the 4’6” line without bouncing it is out of bounds.
If the ball strikes the back wall above the 4’6” line after it has bounced it is still in play. If the ball having bounced goes into the gallery or hits an obstruction that alters its course a let shall be called.
The winner of a game is the first to reach fifteen points except that both players tie at thirteen all or fourteen all.
At thirteen all the first player to thirteen shall choose to play to 18 ‘set five’, 16 ‘set three’ or 15 ‘no set’.
At fourteen all providing the game has not been thirteen all the player first reaching fourteen may choose to play to 17 ‘set three’ or 15 ‘no set’.
If you would like to play squash tennis please contact the club. We really like keeping this game alive.