Xmas Triples 2017
An evening of bonhomie and the (occasional) outbreak of tennis. Thanks to George K for a delicious turkey curry and to Tom for rounding up 27 members to take part, despite the snow lying deep and crisp and even in the car park. For the record, the final was won by Messrs Moug, Maclure and the less Scottish sounding Antrobus, who ‘played great for the other lads’ stepping up to the plate when it was his turn to take the ball off the penthouse. His marvellous evening continued when he waltzed off with the Racket in the Win a brand new pristine GRAYS Racket draw! Not one of the winners of the 100+ draw was present, least of all the first prize winner Judge Brendan Hegarty, Manchester President, who sleuths amongst us reckon was inveigled into joining by the Prince of Darkness, Keyvan Farmanfarmai. The dynamic three beat shell-shocked Howard Shipstone and Mark Savage and their captain Martin Trees.